Anetic Aid – brand of the British designer and manufacturer of equipment such as the QA3 Patient Stretcher – has had a face lift…
It’s a new colour combination of two contrasting blues, giving a more modern look without losing the key elements of the well-known logo style. Among the first items to appear with the new colour scheme is Clinical Essentials, Anetic Aid’s customer magazine, which has just been published.
As well as the refreshed brand, the magazine features a new model of the company’s QA4 Powered Mobile Surgery System, which offers three significant upgrades reflecting the increasing number of procedures that are now routinely appearing in the Day Surgery ‘basket’:
Powered lateral tilt: provides effortless hands-free movement for patient positioning without compromising the sterile field
Improved manoeuvrability: taking technological advances from our highly popular QA3 Patient Stretcher steering mechanism
Reinforced articulating leg section: allows for special attachment for shoulder arthroscopy procedures.
Explained CEO Guy Schofield: ’We worked closely with the pioneers of day surgery and we have continued to monitor its growing popularity as the range of procedures – particularly those involving keyhole surgery – has grown. Positioning the stretcher in lateral tilt is ideal for laparoscopic procedures such as cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) as it provides fundamentally easier access for the surgeon.
‘Our focus on increased manoeuvrability recognises that day surgery is no longer carried out in dedicated units – it has moved into mainstream theatre. By using the same steer mechanism developed for our latest QA3 patient stretcher, we can offer the same ease of use, without expensive development costs.
‘In fact, we have managed to include all of these improvements without increasing the price of the stretcher. We have worked hard on refining all aspects of the manufacturing process and value engineering wherever we can to ensure that it continues to give great value for money.’ Other new products featured in the magazine include a new dual-articulating head section, specifically designed for ophthalmics procedures using the QA4.
Meanwhile, the company has also added the Reison Rotating Armboard to its range – an attachment suitable for most makes of operating table.
There are special offers for tourniquet equipment, lithotomy stirrups and pressure care gel products – and much more – look out for it in your hospital, or call 01943 878647 to request a copy.